Saturday, 1 January 2011

A Happy New Year for Fourteen Candles

Happy New Year to you all! Fourteen Candles predicts a very happy new year ahead.
It's day 1 of 2011 and already, we have progress! Today, I have set up a Folksy account, where people can buy my handmade candles!! I'm very excited about this and hope that it will bring some sales!

My new years resolution is to make Fourteen Candles a big success this year - it is my main focus.
I think Folksy is a great step in the right direction to make this new years resolution happen. I have also added the shop to my facebook fan page to encourage fans to shop as it makes it easier for impulse purchases.

Also, my lovely mum bought me the 'How to make Candles and Soaps for Dummies' book for Xmas, which should give me some new ideas for candle making, and also, you never know, I may branch out to soap making too!

I feel really optimistic for the year ahead for Fourteen Candles. 2011 is going to be my year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, thanks for your message... I've already been selling on Folksy for over 2 years! It's a fantastic site, but wanted to try out Etsy too, as it can have better sales, once you're established. Good luck with the candles and your Folksy shop :^)
