Monday, 23 August 2010

So what do you have to do to get someone to read your blog? Answers on a postcard please!

So, Fourteen Candles has had a blog for over a week now. I know I'm not the most patient person ever, but I was hoping for a few followers. Otherwise, these poor words I type will never be read. If nothing else, my fingers tapping away on the keyboard has proven very popular with my very baby kitten who would like nothing more than to pounce on the laptop and chew off my fingers one by one.

If anyone reads this, please let me know how you successfully gather followers to your blog, and I will of course respond, should the kitten let me!


  1. hi 14,
    I can understand your feeling about visitors on the blog, or even no visitors! Let me say, it takes time to collect followers and / or get comments etc. I run various blogs and on some there are only a few people visiting and others lots. Its all about the subject you re on about.Ok than, I join yours and maybe..

  2. I am new to this too! But I love what you are doing and think if you keep trying you will succeed! I hope to gain lots of readers and followers also!
